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martes, 20 de mayo de 2014


So aparently I forgot about this... stufs I'm back! with new... subjects... where to start....uhmm ok so first of all I won't talk in english anymore, I think that was my last publication.... BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrr Listo, asi que, he pensado en como hacer que las ersonas escuchen mi putn ode vista y que mejor para hacerlo que aqui... Quick resumen de mi (?) Termine mi carrera blablablablbalbalblablabla cosas busco trabajo * la vida es injusta* pero hablando de eso... Diganme porfavor que ustedes han echo mas cosas? no? bueno Relaciones.... **LOADING......** Nada que expresar.... COSAS DE LAS QUE QUIERO HABLAR KPOP POLITICA MUSICA BAILES COSAS RANDOM QUE VIENEN A MI MENTE EN MOMENTOS ASI VESTIDOS VERANO DESIERTO :D FOTOS INSTAGRAM TWITTER BLOGS VIDEOBLOGS VIEJSA SERIES TELEVISIVAS NUEVAS SERIES TELEVISIVAS LA TELEVIION EN SI
KPOP MUSICA.... YET AGAIN XD LEs dejo un video... mi favorito *-* Veanlo y mueran de envidia *-* Adios >D YOURS FOREVAH ADRI

lunes, 30 de diciembre de 2013

So.... a while have not been here... well i decided to not talk in english anymore, let me tell you why.... He descubierto últimamente que me siento orgullosa de mi país, de mi nacionalidad mexicana, aunque soy resultado de varias mezclas, tanto europeas como asiáticas... ser Mexicana es lo que me hace escribir esto... muchas personas (la mayoría) no importa de que lugar seamos, siempre nos quejamos del gobierno, de la gente la cultura... soy una de ellas, pero en realidad ¿que estamos dispuestos a hacer para sentirnos orgullosos? son muy pocas las personas que nos decidimos a hacer algo... claro, hay muchas campañas para cambiar.. ecológicas, políticas, sociales... pero la verdad es que si no nos lo proponemos... años y años y siglos han pasado para llegar a donde estamos. y Sí. todos nos quejamos. Veo y convivo con personas que anhelan vivir en diferentes paises, que le encuentran al propio país mil y un defectos pero cuando hablan de ese "país soñado" lo hacen con tal emoción que jamas se imaginaria uno lo que están pasando, si yo soy de esas personas... pero díganme ¿cuantos de nosotros en verdad conocemos nuestro propio país? ¿cuantos de nosotros nos sabemos las capitales... los caminos y la ubicación de cada provincia o estado, como se les conozca... Si todo el mundo es uno... no deberíamos estar anhelando vivir en otro país, con otro idioma o con otra cultura... mas bien deberíamos intentar aprender de ellos y aplicarlo en nuestra propia vida, ¿no es así? en fin... ando un poco filosófica, y con esto quería despedir este hermoso años 2013.. .y recibir un excelente 2014 Felices Fiestas.

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

hello there! mary here, there's a long time i have no write anything, but hey! im here... i have some bad and some good news... the bad news is taht i've been sick, aparently kind of bulimia causing by stress, but everything is under control now..
and the second one ( the good one) is that i'm about to finish my first book.. i hope to finish it before christmas and i would share it with all you... thank you

i'll let with this phrase....
Being Single doesn't mean no one wants you. It means God is busy writing your love story.

martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

hello there!

hey people so, its me again.. Mary, im sorry for not been here lately its just that for those who are in school you know that the first week back to school its so so hard!, new teachers, new subjects, new classmates .. lot and a lot of homework! :D but well.. this is my life... :) so im posting a new pictures i took, tell me what you think, and i'll let you with this quote:

if you're goig to do something, do something worthing otherwise, dont do anything


viernes, 5 de agosto de 2011

hey guys its me again... Mary.... today i had the first rehearsal with my dear Friend Libby, yeah know, you havent heard from her, but let me introduce her to you... i met her on high school, and we become very very closer since we found out that qe liked the same... band. so we start to text all day and start to become best friends, one day i confess her that i would like to be part of a band too, so she said yeah lets making one, so we did. it has passed 4 years from that day and we're still in the process of makin a band, we've been rehersing like... well.. not much, last year we're about to make a demo but for reason that NOW i'm NOT gonna tell we couldn't..
so today was our first researsal of the.. of the year... wow.. thats intense... well thats all dear friends, thanks for reading me... se you soon...

XoXo.. M.

jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

hello.. again xD

hey guys! so.. good and bad news for me... I'm kind of sick... but the good news is that im with the medicine... :), tomorrow a my best friend is comming to the city and we are gonna make a video from us... make a photoshoot and have fun... i'll post you a few pctures in a few days... :D

XoXo Mary

i'll let you with this image, and tell me... what is the most amazing thing that you've doing wit ha friend??

miércoles, 3 de agosto de 2011

so lets talk about kisses, when did it was my first kiss? when i was 13... my first boyfriend, and i was really really in love.. well.. as much as you could fal in love when you´re 13... tell me about it

xoxo M